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European Mountain Convention 2022


Quick links

Day 1



Location: La Nave della Sila Museum


8.30 – 17.00

Three study visits will be organised around the Sila National Park and Biosphere Reserve

Details of these study visits are available here

The meeting point for study visits is at 8am at Piazza Nicola Misasi, 87052 Camigliatello Silano CS (in front of Alta gastronomia Campanaro). Access the location online here


18.00 – 20.00

General Assembly of Euromontana (for Euromontana members only)


From 20.30

Dinner at  La Nave della Sila Museum (for all participants)

Day 2


Location: La Nave della Sila Museum


8.30 – 9.30 



9.30 – 9.45 

Official opening: Welcome by Juanan Gutiérrez Lazpita, President of Euromontana


09.45 – 10.10

Welcome words by Italian organisers: Roberto Occhiuto, President of the Calabria Region, Cristiano Fini, CIA agricoltori Italiani President and Francesco Curcio, President of Sila National Park


10.10 – 12.00

Session 1: How can European policies support a smarter approach in mountain areas?

Moderator: Juanan Gutiérrez Lazpita, President of Euromontana


High level panel:

  • Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms (via video message)

  • Ole Gustav Narud, State Secretary in the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Norway

  • Herbert Dorfmann, Member of the European Parliament and member of the Intergroup on Rural, Mountainous and Remote Areas & Smart Villages

  • WÅ‚adysÅ‚aw Ortyl, Marshal of the Podkarpackie Region, Poland & member of the European Committee of the Regions

  • Roberto Berutti, member of the Cabinet of the European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski

  • Giuseppe Blasi, Head of Department for European and International Policies and Rural Development at the  Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Policies


Questions & answers 


12.00 – 14.00



14.00 – 15.30

Session 2: How can smart governance help shape future-oriented mountain areas?

Moderator: Guillaume Corradino, Director of Euromontana


Specific governance in EU mountains - Panorama of good practices in different EU countries.

Stefano Sala - UNIMONT, University of Milan


Round table: how can we leverage new participatory processes to design and implement smarter territorial development strategies?

  • The importance of participative democracy in cohesive communities. Tom Jones, President of the European Rural Community Alliance (ERCA)

  • The New European Bauhaus of Mountains. Giulia Paoletti, Researcher at Eurac Research

  • Perspectives from the Trans-Pyrenean Youth Forum. Idoia Arauzo González, Coordinator of the Development and Dynamisation Unit of the Pyrenees Working Community

  • Perspective from the EUSALP Youth Council. Maxime Bernard, Youth Councillor for EUSALP

  • The importance of governance in a smart village project. Thierry Antoine-Santoni, Senior Lecturer at the Pasquale Paoli University of Corsica & Scientific coordinator of the Smart Paesi project


Questions & answers


15.30 – 16.00



16.00 – 17.45

Session 3: How to develop innovative solutions for a better quality of life in the mountains? Sharing good practices


Three parallel workshops to exchange good practices from the field and to see how a better quality of life can be developed in the mountains and how population can wish to come and stay in the mountains. Each workshop with consist in the showcase of inspirational initiatives, followed by an interactive discussion on how to tackle the challenge. The output of the discussions will directly feed the Final Declaration of the European Mountain Convention. Please select your workshop when registering.


Smart Living



How to improve quality of life and maintain access to qualitative services in mountain areas? â€‹


Inspirational initiatives

  • Innovangsjon - Vang (Norway)

       Torunn Kornstad, Senior Advisor at                   Innlandet County 


  • Digitalisation of rural multiservice points (Spain)                                                        Laura Gascón Herrero, Senior Project Manager at the Provincial Government of Teruel, office of Territorial development and European Projects Affairs  

Smart employment 


How to maintain jobs, including skilled jobs, all year round in the mountains?

Inspirational initiatives

  • Demanda Coworking Rural (Spain) 
    Javier Ruiz, Employment and Entrepreneurship Officer of the LAG AGALSA Sierra de la Demanda


  • YESpecialists (Norway, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Denmark) 
    Barbara Harterink, Senior adviser at Vestland County Council 

Smart and clean mobility 



How to develop new, clean and alternative modes of transport for people and goods? 


Inspirational initiatives

  • Overcoming Barriers to Transcarpathian mobility (Romania)                                 Mihaela Lite,  Superior councillor at the International Relations Office of               Maramures County Council, Romania


  • Developing hydrogen mobility (Pyrenees)  Idoia Arauzo González, Coordinator of the Development and Dynamisation Unit of the Pyrenees Working Community

From 20.00
Gala Diner at Torre Camigliati

Day 3


Location: La Nave della Sila Museum


09.00 – 10.20

Session 4: How can research and innovation help boost the attractivity and resilience of mountain areas?

Moderator: Bernat  Claramunt i López, Researcher at the Research Centre for Forest Ecology and Applications (CREAF) and coordinator of the Network for European Mountain Research (NEMOR) 


  • Research and innovation as drivers of vibrant, sustainable and attractive rural areas. Enrique Nieto, Head of Policy Unit at AEIDL

  • How to develop social innovation in marginalised rural areas? Policy lessons and practical examples. Bill Slee, Honorary Research Fellow at James Hutton Institute and representative of the SIMRA project.

  • Understanding drivers of change in mountain areas to enhance resilience: findings from the MOVING project. Mar Delgado-Serrano, Researcher at University of Cordoba and Coordinator of the MOVING Project

  • Technological innovation for the management of natural resources in the mountains. Gian Antonio Battistel, Senior technologist at CRI-FEM


Questions & answers


10.20 – 10.50



10.50 – 12.35

Session 5: Which economic tools and sectors to encourage? Sharing good practices


Three parallel workshops to exchange good practices from the field and to see how to diversify mountain activities and encourage sustainable development of resources keeping balance between the socio, eco and environmental dimensions. Each workshop with consist in the showcase of inspirational initiatives, followed by an interactive discussion on how to tackle the challenge. The output of the discussions will directly feed the Final Declaration of the European Mountain Convention. Please select your workshop when registering.


Smart Economy



How can the mountain economy contribute to the Green Deal objectives?​


Inspirational initiatives

  • Cooperation partnership for the sustainable development of tourism in the Pohorje mountain (Slovenia)    Klavdija Gornik, Project Manager at the Regional Development Agency for Podravje – Maribor  


  • CreaTur: developing the sharing economy in the Innlandet county (Norway)                                         Veronica Blumenthal, Senior Researcher at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Enabling tools 


How can digitalisation benefit mountain areas? 

Inspirational initiatives

  • Smart Villages in mountain areas (Alps) Gianluca Lentini, Researcher and Project Manager at Poliedra - Politecnico di Milano, Interreg Alpine Space Smart Villages project  


  • Deploying broadband in mountain areas (Europe)                                                        Ashya Lane-Spollen, Deputy Lead at the Broadband Competence Office Network Support Facility   

Smart management of natural resources


How can innovation support sustainable management of resources? 


Inspirational initiatives

  • Sustainable management of mountain grasslands (Spain)                                    Javier Pérez Pérez, Natural Environment Area Officer at HAZI, LIFE OREKA MENDIAN project


  • Technology and environmental monitoring of the Arcadian mountains (Greece)                                                    Georgia Dimopoulou, Volunteer at the Social Cooperative Enterprise for the Protection of Menalon

Official Closure


12.50 - 13.00

The measures and actions for mountain areas in the Rural Development Programme of region Calabria. Dr. Giacomo Giovinazzo General Director of the Agriculture Department and Managing Authority of the Rural Development Programme Calabria


13.00 - 13.10

The new professional: the shepherd 4.0. Pasquale Tridico, President of INPS


13.10 - 13.20

Final intervention and acknowledgements: Gianluca Gallo, Councillor for Agriculture at the Region of Calabria & Nicodemo Podella, Regional President of the Cia Agricoltori Italiani Calabria


13.20 – 13.30

Policy Declaration for Smart Mountains, Juanan Gutiérrez, President of Euromontana and Guillaume Corradino, Director of Euromontana


13.30 – 15.00

Networking lunch

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